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- Ask you local library to get the book: We'd love to see The Tao of Liberation in as many public and academic libraries as possible. Fill out a form at your local library requesting that they carry the book.
- Ask your local bookstore to carry the book: While we would love for you to purchase the book direct from this site, it's great to get the book into stores where folks can see it and browse. Let bookstores know why you think they should stock copies of the book - in particular, why it would sell well (as well as suggestions of where they can display it).
- Organise a study group or use the book as a resource for a course: There's lots of ideas in the book to discuss and experiment with. Why not gather a group and see how you can put its insights into practice?
- Consider organising a retreat or workshop: Mark Hathaway is happy to give retreats and workshops.
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